How To Parent Together …
When Your Parenting Styles Are Worlds Apart
Raise happy, responsible and successful children.
Your confidence as a parent will soar!
You will know when someone is giving you bad or good parenting advice!
Other parents will ask you, “What is your secret? Why are your children so well behaved?
‘Good Parents Bad Parenting’ answers all your questionsby providing the tools necessary to discoverwhat parenting style works best for your unique family,your unique child and your unique situation!” Lisa Dunning, MA, MFT
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Your child has done something you believe is inappropriate, but your spouse doesn’t think it is that big of a deal. You argue about the severity of your child’s behavior, but your spouse just doesn’t see things your way.
You ask yourself, “Should I discipline my child? Am I overreacting?” as you doubt your own ability to parent when it seems that no one is on your side.
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“Good Parents Bad Parenting” defines the three basic parenting styles and allows you, the parents, to choose how to appropriately parent your children.
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“Should I discipline my child?
Am I overreacting?”